Monday 20 May 2013

manusia perangai puaka

oky skunk nie aq gram giler 

the story like this aq dtg sni bkn tok jd bibik kau ayam kalo kau rse nk ikot cre kje ko is not my problem or my business aq tlong 2 kire ckup baek la btw aq ade kt sni pon bcoz of my sista oky kao bkn psl die myb yeah i will never came here and for your information im come here for a vacation not to be a housemaid and aq x de la ske sgt n aq really menyampah tgk mke kau hurm.......

ikot aq la nk dress up mcm mne xx gne duit ko btw ko 2 ptut gne ayt yg elok skit bile nk mntk tlong org jge pkir ko 2 bgus sgt i really hate him menyusahkn aq je ee please la kalo ikotkn aq dtg sni pon lmbt lg btw akk aq mntk tlong aq yes i will help her....nk kesah ape aq nk ckp kuang ajar ke x kalo ko x reti nk hormat aq aq jgn hrap aq nk hormat ko aq nie x de la kjam sgt smpi nk post bnd nie tp disbbkn aq ckup sbar ngn ko n mlas nk melyan karenah n aq mntk biar blan 5 nie cpt skit habis x pyh dok sni lme2 sgt.

bg aq i dont have any problem with you tp perangai kau 2 yg menyakitkn hati n please la ckup2 la ko yg berlagak 2 x kmna pon.. sudah2 la ngan khidupan belagak ko 2 

kalo ko btol2 nk kne maki ngn aq try buat byk2 ofcoz one day my ko nmpk ape mksod hormat org bru ko fham langit tu tinggi ke rndah

yes mmg aq x de duit sbb lpk kt sni kalo aq kt kl sure aq kje part time n ade gk duit 

sbb kakak aq tahan ko x tw ayam jgn nk kutuk org sgt la sedar la dri ko 2 pon manusia biasa gk x de special nya ko 2 WHAT EVER..NEED DO I CARE... eh seyes tw lpas nie kalo nk dtg umh ko pon myb 1 to 2 days only not more than that coz u know y kehidupn kn umh ko nie mcm PENJARA ... and for your information im really bored to stay here for along time.....

patut la ank2 ko pon mcm x berdisplin sgt sbb perangai ko cre ko ckp menunjukkn yg bdak2 2 pon leh jd mcm ko one day and jgn la plak terkejut kalo one day dorg jd kurang ajar kt ko plak